Dr. Becky Penrod received her Ph.D. in Psychology – Applied Behavior Analysis from the University of Nevada, Reno. She is an Associate Professor of Psychology and Director of the Autism Center for Excellence at Sacramento State. She also serves as the Behavior Analyst in a multidisciplinary Pediatric Feeding Clinic at Kaiser Roseville. Prior to joining Sacramento State, she was a behavioral consultant in both home and school settings. She has over 12 years of experience working with children and adults with autism spectrum disorders and related disabilities.
Research Interests
Dr. Penrod has published work in peer-reviewed journals including The Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis and Behavioral Interventions. She has also co-authored two manuals on understanding disability and assessment and treatment of problem behavior in the classroom. She directs the Pediatric Behavior Research Laboratory at Sacramento State. Current research interests include assessment and treatment of pediatric feeding disorders, functional assessment, and treatment of behavior problems in children, parent training, and choice-making behavior.
Courses Taught
PSYC 2 - Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 171 - Introduction to ABA
PSYC 184 - Clinical Issues in ABA
PSYC 191 - Practicum in ABA
PSYC 284 - Assessment and Treatment of Problem Behavior
PSYC 291 - Advanced Practicum in ABA